


  • IIS 7.5+,
  • MS .NET Framework 4.5+,
  • MS SQL Server 2008+ (Express Edition is OK)

JellyPotSQL by invitation only.
(If you are interested, contact us.)


What is the difference between JellyPotXML and JellyPotSQL?

JellyPotXML stores data in a XML file. JellyPotSQL uses MS SQL database (MS SQL Express if fine too). JellyPotXML is free of charge.

Which JellyPot is the right one for me?

JellyPotXML is best suited for smaller websites – it is free, easier to set up, and doesn't require a database. For larger projects we recommend JellyPotSQL. It is somewhat faster and a database is easier to manage than an XML file. Data storage method is the only difference – otherwise, both both versions are fully interchangeable.