Content First CMS
Content is the most valuable asset of a website. JellyPot allows you to focus on it. It allows you to develop websites faster and manage them easier. JellyPot is a perfect choice for serious developers and designers. JellyPot is built on the .NET platform and is free to use.
Content-centric, not page-centric
Do no adapt your content to fit predefined templates. Create your custom content model that suits your website best.
JellyPot is designed and built as a tool for content modelling and management with fast and easy development of a site-specific custom CMS in mind. That's why we call it a meta-CMS. You create complex content structures from primitive data types, aggregate them into collections and establish relations between items. This is complemented by a general purpose templating engine and automatic generator of admin interface.
<SimpleText name="title" />
<Date name="published" />
<Text name="synopsis" />
<Img name="cover">
<Size name="original" />
<Size name="preview" width="max 800" height="max 800" />
<Size name="thumbnail" width="max 200" />
<Reference name="author" sourceCol="author" />
Content is modelled manually using a simple language based on XML. From our experience, this is faster then first drawing it in a visual CASE tool and then generating the code.
Design and code under control
JellyPot does not restrict your site's appearance, information architecture or markup. It interferes with things as little as possible so you can work as you want.
JellyPot delivers the content, you design the pages around it. Content is separated from presentation – it's much more flexible this way. Although JellyPot's templates use an ASP.NET syntax. you do not need to know anything about ASP.NET at all. If you are familiar with HTML, you will be able to code your first simple template in a matter of minutes.
JellyPot also does not limit you in your choice of tools and processes. You can use your favorite code editor or IDE, CSS preprocessor, or a JavaScript library. JellyPot can help you make a simple corporate website or SPA in AngularJS; you can write your styles in plain CSS or compile it from SASS in BEM notation… All is up to you.
<je:item runat="server" field=".title" />
<je:img runat="server"
class="book-cover" />
<div class="book-details">
<je:item runat="server"
field="" />
<je:item runat="server"
format="D/M/Y" />
<je:item runat="server"
field=".synopsis" />
JellyPot's output is not limited to HTML. You can output the content as XML or JSON (that may come handy for a mobile app), even as a plain text.
Friendly content management UI
A content editing interface is generated on-the-fly from the content model. JellyPot's UI is similar to other CMS, but it is focused purely on content editing. That makes it easy to use for non-technical users. Because the content is structured, editors are not faced with a huge WYSIWYG field in which to painstakingly format the whole page content. Instead, content"s individual pieces are entered in clearly captioned fields so it's always clear what comes where.
JellyPot naturally and effectively divides the tasks between developers who make the site, and editors who are responsible for the content. Editors are not distracted by template definitions and route configuration and developers and designers can be sure that the site will look great.

Developers and users about JellyPot
With JellyPot we were able to build, test and deploy the site into production very quickly and thus meeting client's – a bit unrealistic ;) – deadline.
Everyting just worked. Unlike other CMS, the JellyPot administration is clear and simple so we don't worry we will accidentally break something.
JellyPot has wonderful support for multiple language websites – and it runs beautifuly in Microsoft Azure cloud somewhere in Tokio data centre.
JellyPot's admin interface is easy to use even though I speak hardly any English! And I like that content can be used across multiple pages automatically.
With JellyPot you simply define website content – its model. The admin interface is automatic. Then you only care about front-end. JellyPot doesn't restrict you in any way.
JellyPot's admin interface is so friendly and intuitive that anybody can use it. We even didn't need any special training – which cannot be said about CMS we used before.
Built with JellyPot
Get JellyPot now!
JellyPot is free to use without further restrictions. (Applies to JellyPotXML only.)